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ESR News - January 2020
Society ESR Star
Reminder! Electronic elections until January 27

ESR Full Members only have until January 27, 2020 to cast their vote in the ESR Electronic Elections! Detailed information on the candidates for the five positions in the ESR Executive Council is available on the ESR website.



ESR Membership 2020

Application for or renewal of ESR Membership for 2020 is open until August 31, 2020.
Benefits include, among many others, reduced congress registration fees for ECR 2021 and free electronic access to European Radiology, Europe’s no. 1 general radiological journal.
ESR Connect Weekly celebrates record-breaking start for season 2

Season 2 is all about artificial intelligence and episode 1 received the highest number of registrations and viewers than any other episode so far.
Professor Andrea Rockall and her team set up six exciting use cases and prove that radiologists can get involved in shaping the AI tools of the future. 
Watch Episode 1 on-demand for free and join us Wednesday nights for the live episodes.  
Register for free now!


ECR 2020 Highlights ESR Star
Three luminaries as plenary speakers

ECR 2020 will feature three esteemed speakers in the Plenary Lectures. Ralph Weissleder, professor at Harvard University and a famous researcher in molecular imaging, will speak on ‘the wild lives of our cells’; Bernd Montag, CEO of Siemens Healthineers, will talk about digitalisation in healthcare; and Nenad Šestan, executive director of the Yale Genome Editing Center at Yale University, will share his most recent discoveries in neurobiology.

Let them entertain you: the image interpretation quizzes

Look forward to the return of two of the most popular sessions of any ECR, the Image Interpretation Quiz and the Junior Image Interpretation Quiz. The IIQ’s theme is ‘Humans vs Machines’, whereas the juniors will compete in a challenge with the intriguing title ‘Heroes assemble: join our ranks’.

Children in Focus

Through four insightful sessions and a spectacular Grand Finale, Children in Focus will feature a wide variety of patients and professionals from across the spectrum of healthcare industries, sharing inspirational stories from their own personal experiences, offering advice, and asking the tough questions about children and the care they receive around the world.
Education in radiation protection

EuroSafe Imaging will offer once again a detailed programme on medical radiation protection at the ECR 2020. There will be a total of 8 scientific sessions, 9 Coffee & Talk sessions, and an electronic poster exhibition.
Find out more about this year’s programme here.